Vendredi 3 mars 2017
A] Warm-up B] Skills take 15-20 minutes to practice 1-2 movements: rope climb, double-unders, butterfly pull-up, kipping pull-up,...
Jeudi 2 mars 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes: 2 power clean Note: Touch & go. Start above your 60% and built up over the sets....
Mercredi 1er mars 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength in 15-20 minutes find your heaviest snatch complex: 2 snatch pull + 1 hang squat snatch Note: drop the bar between...
Mardi 28 février 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Push-press 5 sets of 5 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod 4 rounds for time: 21 wall-ball @ 20/14 15 ring dip 9...
Lundi 27 février 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength 15-20 minutes to find... 3 rep max of back squat Note: warm-up wisely C] Wod For time: 50 calories row 40...
Vendredi 24 février 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Bench press 3 sets of 15 reps 1 min rest Turkish get-up 3 sets of 3 min work Note: load over the sets. Don't rush...
Jeudi 23 février 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Deadlift 5 sets of 3 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod Amrap 15 minutes: 3 deadlift @ 315/215 1 round of Cindy...
Mercredi 22 février 2017
A] Warm-up B] Skills Emom 7 minutes 5-10 handstand push-up (strict if you can) rest 2 min Emom 7 minutes 20-50 double-unders ( or 30-40...
Mardi 21 février 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Overhead squat 4 sets of 8 reps Note: from ground. Snatch or clean; your choice C] Wod Amrap 20 minutes: 8...
Lundi 20 février 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Shoulder press 5 sets of 5 reps no rest double-unders 5 sets of 1 min work Note: load over the sets C] Wod Every 3...