Lundi 31 aout
B) Press 5x5 tempo 3-2-1 C) AMRAP 17 min 200 m run 20 wall ball 10 pull up
Vendredi 28 aout
B) 5 rondes for time 2 rope climb ou 5 muscle up 10 burpees 50 double unders C) Bench press 10-8-6-3-3-3
jeudi 27 aout
EMOM 40 min snatch 1 rep par min max wheight squat or power snatch when fail, max power clean when fail, max deadlift
Mercredi 26 aout
B) EMOM 15 1. 3 to 5 weighted pull up 2. accumuler 20 sec L-sit 3. 8/8 hip thrust C) AMRAP 16 20 DB snatch 50/35 20 OH lunge 50/35 50...
Mardi 25 aout
B) Front squat 3x 6/6 Bulgarian 12 jumping lunges 7x3 front squat C) Sprint, time cap 10min 50 pull ups 30 front squat 115/75 10 hspu
Lundi 24 aout
B) EMOM 15 min/90s 1 clean and jerk+ 2 split jerk C) AMRAP 15 min 2-4-6-8.... Burpees boxjump over TTB Shoulder to overhead
Vendredi 21 aout
B) OHS 10 min pour trouver max 3 rep 10 min EMOM @ 80% pour 3 reps C) 7 rounds for time 15/10 cal row 10 burpees 1 min rest
Jeudi 20 aout
B) Emom 90s for 15 min 1 deadlift+1 clean pull+1 power clean+1 squat clean C) 10 to 1 Clean 135/95 Deadlift 135/95 T2B
Mercredi 19 aout
B) EMOM 15 1. 5 wall climb 2. 40sec hollow hold 3. 8/8 pistols C) AMRAP 17 25 wall ball 24/20 25 KBS 24/20 25 sumo high pull 24/20
Mardi 18 aout
B) Emon 90 for 15 min 2 squat snatch Pause 2 sec dans le trou C) 4 rounds for time 200 run 20 hang power snatch 75/55 20 abmat sit up