Jeudi 23 février 2017 A] Warm-up B] StrengthDeadlift 5 sets of 3 reps Note: load over the sets C] WodAmrap 15 minutes: 3 deadlift @ 315/2151 round of Cindy mod Note: Cindy mod = 5 chest-to-bar pull-up / 10 push-up / 15 air squat
A] Warm-up B] StrengthDeadlift 5 sets of 3 reps Note: load over the sets C] WodAmrap 15 minutes: 3 deadlift @ 315/2151 round of Cindy mod Note: Cindy mod = 5 chest-to-bar pull-up / 10 push-up / 15 air squat