Vendredi 9 juin 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Bench press 5 sets of 5 reps no rest 5 sets of max strict toes-to-bar Note: load over the sets C] Grace & row For...
Jeudi 8 juin 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength In 15-20 minutes find your 1 rep max of Front squat Note: warm-up wisely C] Wod For time: 20 front squat @ 95/65...
Mercredi 7 juin 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength In 15-20 minutes try to find your heaviest set of: 1 hang power clean + 10 push-press Note: take 2-3 min of rest...
Mardi 6 juin 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes: 2 power snatch + 1 hang power snatch Note: load over the sets C] Team wod 3...
Lundi 5 juin 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Thruster 10-8-6-4-2 Note: load over the sets. each sets should be heavy C] Wod 22-16-10 for time: kettlebell...
Vendredi 2 juin 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength In 15-20 minutes find your heaviest snatch complex: 1 snatch + 3 overhead squat Note: if you are doing a squat...
Jeudi 1er juin 2017
A] Warm-up B] Hero wod Michael 3 rounds for time: 800m run/row 50 back extension 50 sit-ups
Mercredi 31 mai 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength / Skills 3 sets not for time: 5-15 handstand push-up 5/5 dumbell power or squat snatch @ moderate, heavy 75...
Mardi 30 mai 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Back squat 5 sets of 6 reps no rest broad jump 5 sets of 6 jumps Note: load over the sets and for the broad jump...
Lundi 29 mai 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Deadlift 5 sets of 2 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod For time: 80 burpees* 60 pull-up* 40 deadlift @ 225/155*...