Mardi 12 décembre
B] Force Emom 5: 1 hip squat snatch Emom 5: 1 mid hang squat snatch Emom 5: 1 low hang squat snatch Note: augmenter la charge au...
Lundi 11 décembre
B] Force Push jerk 5 séries de 3 répétitions Note: augmenter la charge à chaque série C] Wod Amrap 15 minutes: 25 burpees 50 kettlebell...
Vendredi 8 décembre
B] Strength 5 sets of 5 reps Bench press Note: load over the sets C] Wod 5 rounds for time: 12 kettlebell swings @ 32/24 2 clean @...
Jeudi 7 décembre
B] Wod Amrap 10 minutes: 20 wall-balls @ 20/14 60 double-unders 10 sumo deadlift high pull @ 95/65 Rest 4 min Amrap 10 minutes: 8...
Mercredi 6 décembre
B] Strength 15-20 minutes to find 1 rep max of Squat clean C] Wod For time: 50 calories row 30 handstand push-up 50 calories row 30...
Mardi 5 décembre
B] Skills 3 rounds not for time: 8-8 dumbell snatch 8-8 dumbell overhead lunges (can be lighter than the snatch) Accumulate 90 seconds...
Lundi 4 décembre
A) Warm-up B] Strength 15-20 min to find 1 rep max of Power snatch C] Wod 3 rounds for time: 10 power snatch @ 135/95 3x: 5 pull-ups/10...
Lundi 27 novembre 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes: Deadlift 1-2-3 sets: 4 reps 4-5-6 sets: 3 reps 7-8-9-10 sets: 2 reps Note: load...
Vendredi 24 novembre 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Every minute on the minute for 10: 1 power clean + 5 burpees over bar Note: load over the sets C] Holleyman 30...
Jeudi 23 novembre 2017
A] Warm-up B] Strength Front squat 5 sets of 3 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod 21-15-9 for time: thruster @ 115/75 chest-to-bar...