Jeudi 4 oct
Jeudi 4 oct B] Strength Every minute on the minute for 16: Min 1: 45 sec farmer hold @ heavy Min 2: 10 right arm dumbell overhead lunges...
Mercredi 3 oct
Mercredi 3 oct B] Strength Squat snatch 5 sets of 2 reps Note: load over the sets, touch & go. C] Team wod Amrap 20 minutes: Buy-in:...
Mardi 2 oct
Mardi 2 oct B] Strength Every 90 seconds, for 15 min: 2 split jerk Note: load over the sets, from rack. C] Wod 8 rounds for time: 30...
Lundi 1er oct
Lundi 1er oct B] Strength Deadlift 5 sets of 3 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod Amrap 17 min: 5 squat clean* 10 push-ups 15...
Vendredi 28 sept
Vendredi 28 sept B] Core work 5 rounds: 10 hollow rock 10 v-ups 10 tuck ups 10 sec hollow hold 1min rest C] Wod Amrap 17 minutes:...
Jeudi 27 sept
Jeudi 27 sept B] Strength Back squat 5 sets of 3 reps Note: load over the sets, 2 sec pause in the bottom position. C] Wod 3 rounds for...
Mercredi 26 sept
Mercredi 26 sept B] Strength Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes: 1 power clean + 1 mid hang power clean + 1 low hang power clean Note: load...
Mardi 25 sept
Mardi 25 sept B] Strength Power snatch 5 sets of 1.1.1 reps Note: load over the sets, rest 10 sec between reps. C] Wod Amrap 15 minutes:...
Lundi 24 sept
Lundi 24 sept For time: 800m row 150 squats 100/70 push-ups 50 toes-to-bar 800m row
Vendredi 21 sept
Vendredi 21 sept B] Strength Deadlift 5 sets of 5 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod For time: 50 box jumps @ 24/20 50 hang power...