Jeudi 18 Août 2016
A] Warm-up B] Strength Every 90 seconds for 15 minutes: 3 hang power clean + 1 push-jerk Note: Load over the sets C] Wod Amrap 20 minutes...

Mercredi 17 Août 2016
A] Warm-up B] Strength 20min time cap: 400m run @ 90% 2min rest 400m run @ 90% 2min rest in the remaining time: 1 rep max of squat snatch...

Mardi 16 Août 2016
A] Warm-up B] Strength Front squat 6-6-4-4-2-2 Note: load over the sets C] Wod 10 rounds for time: 1 rope climb (legless if you can) 10...

Lundi 15 Août 2016
A] Warm-up B] Strength Deadlift 6 sets of 2 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod For time: Buy-in: 50 calories row 150 wall-balls* @...

Vendredi 12 Août 2016
A] Warm-up B] Strength Back squat 5 sets of 5 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod 3 rounds for time: 14 front squats @ 135/95 7 clean...

Jeudi 11 Août 2016
A] Warm-up B] Strength Every minute on the minute for 4: 1 hang power snatch (above knees) Every minute on the minute for 4: 1 hang power...

Mercredi 10 Août 2016
A] Warm-up B] Strength Bench press 5 sets of 5 reps Ring dips 5 sets of 5-10 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod Amrap 15 minutes: 20...

Mardi 9 Août 2016
A] Warm-up B] Strength Push-press 3 sets of 5 reps 3 sets of 3 reps Note: Increase weight at each sets C] Wod Amrap 20 minutes: 7...

Lundi 8 Août 2016
A] Warm-up B] Strength 15 minutes to find the heaviest complex of: 3 hang squat clean + 2 front squat + 1 split jerk C] Wod 2 rounds for...

Vendredi 5 Août 2016
A] Warm-up B] Skills Practice for 15 minutes 1 movement: -Ring dips -Handstand push-ups -Butterfly pull-ups -Toes-to-bar - Muscle-ups or...