Mercredi 17 janv
Mercredi 17 janv B] Strength 5 sets of : 5 deadlift No rest Hang on the pull-up bar (max in 1min) Note: load over the sets C] Wod 2...
Mercredi 16 janv
Mercredi 16 janv B] Strength In 15-20 minutes find your heaviest snatch complex: 2 high snatch pull + 1 squat snatch + 1 snatch balance +...
Mardi 15 janv
Mardi 15 janv Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes: 1 power clean + 2 push-jerk Note: load over the sets C] Wod 3 rounds for time: 10...
Lundi 14 janv
Lundi 14 janv B] Strength Overhead squat 5 sets of 3 reps Note: load over the sets & from ground C] Wod Amrap 15 minutes: 20 goblet squat...
Vendredi 11 janv
Vendredi 11 janv B] Strength Shoulder press 5 sets of 6 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod Amrap 3 minutes: 15 kettlebell swings @ 32/24...
Jeudi 10 janv
Jeudi 10 janv B] Strength Power snatch 5 sets of 1.1.1 Note: load over the sets / 5 sec rest between reps C] Wod Amrap 15 minutes: 50...
Mercredi 9 janv
Mercredi 9 janv B] Strength Back squat 5 sets of 5 reps Note: load over the sets C] Wod 21-15-9 for time: Wall-balls @ 30/20 Front rack...
Mardi 8 janv
Mardi 8 janv B] Strength 4 sets not for time: 10 box jumps over *as fast as possible* 10 dumbell deadlift 6 dumbell hang clean 4...
Lundi 7 janv
Lundi 7 janv B] Strength Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes: 2 squat clean + 1 split jerk Note: load over the sets C] Wod For time: 1000m...
Vendredi 4 janv
Vendredi 4 janv 5 rounds of 5 minutes work / 1 min rest 1- Burpees 2- 7 hang power clean @ 75/55 + 7 toes-to-bar 3- dumbell snatch...