Mercredi 12 aoutB) EMOM 30 min Min 1- 30 double under + 2 burpees 2- 10 pull up ou 4 muscle up + 2 burpees 3- 20 jumping lunge + 2 burpees 4- 10 toes to bar + 2 burpees 5- 12 DB snatch 50/35 + 2 burpees
B) EMOM 30 min Min 1- 30 double under + 2 burpees 2- 10 pull up ou 4 muscle up + 2 burpees 3- 20 jumping lunge + 2 burpees 4- 10 toes to bar + 2 burpees 5- 12 DB snatch 50/35 + 2 burpees