Mardi 29 janvMardi 29 janv B] Strength Front squat 5 sets of 6 reps No rest 5 sets of 5-10 strict toes-to-barNote: load over the sets C] Wod Amrap 17 minutes:8 toes-to-bar 5/5 dumbell hang power clean @ 50/35 14 box jump @ 24/20
Mardi 29 janv B] Strength Front squat 5 sets of 6 reps No rest 5 sets of 5-10 strict toes-to-barNote: load over the sets C] Wod Amrap 17 minutes:8 toes-to-bar 5/5 dumbell hang power clean @ 50/35 14 box jump @ 24/20