Jeudi 16 novembre 2017 A] Warm-up B] StrengthDeadlift 5 sets of 5 reps Note: load over the sets C] WodFor time: 42 wall-balls @ 20/1442 toes-to-bar30 wall-balls @ 20/1430 pull-ups18 wall-balls @ 20/1418 chest-to-bar OR 9 muscle-ups
A] Warm-up B] StrengthDeadlift 5 sets of 5 reps Note: load over the sets C] WodFor time: 42 wall-balls @ 20/1442 toes-to-bar30 wall-balls @ 20/1430 pull-ups18 wall-balls @ 20/1418 chest-to-bar OR 9 muscle-ups